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    40 Stages Of Giving Up Something For Lent

    No, you can't give up Lent for Lent.

    1. So you went crazy at Madri Gras this year.

    2. And ate you bodyweight in desserts on Fat Tuesday.

    3. Then Wednesday rolls around.

    4. It's time to make a decision.

    5. What am I going to give up for Lent?

    6. There are a million things you can cut out, and after much thinking....

    7. It comes to you!

    8. You go get marked with ash.

    9. Explain yourself to friends.

    10. Then prepare for the trial ahead.

    11. It's going to take a litlle bit of luck.

    12. And a lot of mental strength.

    13. Almost instantly you are hit with a craving.

    14. You think about the choice you made.

    15. And you already consider throwing in the towel.

    16. But then you talk yourself out of it.

    17. You want to keep your promise....

    18. Temptation seems to mock you at every turn.

    19. And you wish you gave up something easier.

    20. Eventually you'll slip and indulge in something you gave up.

    21. At this point a family member or friend always catches you, and hits you with a lecture.

    22. Now it's back to square one.

    23. You still encounter tests at every junction.

    24. Literally everywhere.

    25. At least some places seem to accommodate you.

    26. Well, at least they try to.

    27. If all else fials this becomes your fallback meal on Fridays.

    28. When you give up meat this is how you see everyone.

    29. You were meant to be carnivorous.

    30. Time seems to be moving so slowly.

    31. But the signs are everywhere.

    32. You remain upbeat.

    33. Eventually you hit a wall.

    34. The 40 days and 40 nights are almost coming to an end.

    35. You make that final push.

    36. And then BAM, it's Easter!

    37. You should feel proud of yourself.

    38. Because eventhough you had doubts.

    39. You still did it, and it was not an easy task!

    40. You know that in the end it was all worth it. Because some people, never give up on you.