This Cat Might Have The Most Adorable Eyes You've Ever Seen

    Eye carumba!

    Cats are known for their cute and quirky appearances and behavior, but some have their eyes on a bigger prize.

    Gimo, a cat featured on the Instagram account 1room1cat, has a pair of huge, round, sparkling eyes that will hit you with intense cuteness.

    Gimo is one of a few cats on the account with a dark coat, which gives the illusion that his face is all eyes.

    The photos on the page feature him in different settings, but always featuring his signature peepers.

    The account also features him doing what cats do best, stealthily jumping around and honing his cat-like reflexes.

    Look at him go!

    Whether it's staring directly into the camera...

    ... or hanging out with friends...

    ... Gimo's eyes definitely up his cute factor.

    He even gives "Puss In Boots" a run for his money.

    Gimo's eyes will continue to mesmerize.

    BuzzFeed has reached out to the 1room1cat Instagram account for comment.