27 Knockoffs That Have Actually Achieved Pure Perfection

    Often imitated and hilariously duplicated.

    1. This very regular looking wizard boy.

    2. This shapely cereal.

    3. The game that poses this question.

    4. This very special superhero.

    5. And his counterpart from South of the Border.

    6. This bootleg that Netflix didn't even bother to lie about.

    7. These noise cancelling deats.

    8. This Latino cousin of Mr. Pringle

    9. This awfully presumptuous ramen package.

    10. These sweet designer kicks.

    11. This caped crusader who is not just your average girl.

    12. These stunna shades to "channel" your inner diva.

    13. This aptly named toothpaste.

    14. This new and improved operating system.

    15. This very rabid Mickey Mouse.

    16. This very adventurous ballon flick.

    17. These "ritzy" crackers.

    18. This declarative spread!

    19. This understated cologne.

    20. This oh-so-curious bear.

    And its dead eyes.

    21. This body wash that's probably feels as smooth as its spelled.

    22. This bro-liquor staple.

    23. This very frank Lisa Frank backpack.

    24. This box set straight from the Land of Fire and Ice.

    25. This shirt with a very mischievous "Baet" Simpson.

    26. This very literal intelligence game.

    27. Oh, and of course this coffee shop that obviously gives zero fucks.