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This Woman Refused To Change Her Facebook Picture To The French Flag And It's Going Viral

"If I did this for every attack on the world, I would have to change my profile everyday several times a day."

French citizen and former Parisian Charlotte Farhan is the editor-in-chief at ASLI Magazine and is currently living in Portsmouth, England. Like many people around the world, she was profoundly affected by the terror attacks in Paris.

On Nov. 14, Facebook released a filter for profile photos in the colors of the French flag so users could show solidarity with France. After the release, many people from all over the world used it to express support.


On Saturday, Farhan wrote this Facebook post explaining why she was not among the people using the flag filter.

Facebook: charlotte.farhan

It reads:

I won't be changing my profile to the French flag even though I am French and from Paris. The reason for this is that if I did this for only Paris this would be wrong.

If I did this for every attack on the world, I would have to change my profile everyday several times a day. My heart is with the world, no borders, no hierarchy, I hold every human's life with value who is attacked by extremist beliefs whether they are based on religion, prejudice or profit!

Don't be part of the "us and them" mentality which the war mongers want you to do!

As of Monday, the post was liked more than 135,000 times and was shared by more than 90,000 users. It also received many messages of support from commenters.

Her status reflects the sentiments shared by other people who have taken to social media to highlight not only the attacks in Paris, but violence throughout the world.

In a follow-up post Monday, Farhan responded to those who reacted negatively to her message.

It reads:

Please remember I am only human, I in no way think I am perfect! I am actually a very fragile person who suffers terribly with mental illness and is unable to leave my home unaided. I am feeling so overwhelmed by the love, but the few negatives hurt me deeply as they are hateful and prejudice and some are threatening.

All I ask is for people to be respectful, kind and if you wish to know more about me, ask? I only wish to create positive change in the world heart emoticon love to you all, we are one! ‪#‎weareone‬ ‪#‎charlottefarhan

BuzzFeed has reached out to Farhan for comment.