25 Things No One Tells You About Moving To Texas

    The stars at night really are big and bright.

    1. You'll come to find out that high school football has a cult following...

    2. ... And you'll finally understand the hype behind homecoming mums.

    3. The heat is beyond anything you've ever experienced.

    Heat Index [feels-like] Forecast for Wednesday (Heat Stroke Prevention Day). Watch 3 News http://t.co/6ohiTw9Bj7

    4. And you'll develop the ability to adapt to four different seasons in one day.

    5. They don't play around when it comes to BBQ.

    6. And once you have authentic Tex-Mex you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

    7. It will become blatantly clear that chips and queso are the state's unofficial appetizer.

    8. You'll learn that the regional beers are unique, and nothing short of amazing.

    9. The beaches are truly a site to behold...

    10. ... And the swimming holes aren't bad either.

    11. People don't actually ride their horses everywhere...

    12. ... And that becomes apparent everyday during rush hour.

    13. Manners are pretty commonplace throughout the state.

    14. Just as you thought, there are plenty of beautiful wide-open spaces.

    15. And contrary to popular belief, it isn't all deserts and tumbleweeds.

    16. Oh, and the cities are pretty....

    17. ... Damn...

    18. ... Impressive!

    19. It will feel like almost every other vehicle on the road is a truck.

    20. Road trips across the state will feel like road trips across the country.

    21. You'll discover that boots are pretty fashionable, and that most residents own at least one pair.

    22. The regional snacks may seem odd at first...

    23. ... But taste absolutely amazing.

    24. You find out that the state has a rich and storied history.

    25. You'll realize that Texans are pretty damn proud.

    And after a while, you'll be proud to be a Texan, too.