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    What I'm Doing In The Wake Of The Newtown, CT Tragedy

    Trying to put the pieces together and find some light in this dark time.

    I was horrified and saddened by the tragedy that devastated the community and families of Newtown, Connecticut. The senseless loss brought tears to my eyes and caused me to pause in somber reflection. I was at a loss for words.

    As the pieces of shattered lives are collected, and the long healing process begins we are all faced with a decision – we must decide what we will do from here. Some people may be tempted to sink deep in to despair and abandon all hope for humanity; while others will turn their mind inwards in deep reflection looking for someone (or something) to blame.

    …but, what about you?

    I hope we can all rise above the pain, tragedy, and fear to find a renewed resolution to live a life that will compensate for those that were lost. Each of these precious souls would have carried on lives full of love, joy, service, and change – possibly bringing light to the darkest corners of the world.

    In their absence, it is up to us to take up the fallen torch of their life.

    Make up for the loss by LOVING MORE, GIVING MORE, & SERVING MORE. Let your light shine brighter, farther, and deeper than ever before. This senseless act of violence has left a deficit of JOY in this world, and it is up to each of us to make up the difference.

    This tragedy has reminded me to let my heart expand to fill the void.

    Will you join me in the wake of this devastation? Take up the banner of these fallen angels. Smile the smiles that they would have smiled. Love with the depth they would have loved. Serve with the passion they would have served. Laugh the laughs they would have laughed. If we don’t do it, their smiles will be lost, their love will evaporate, their service will go un-given, and their laughter will be lost to eternity.

    There are many ways to mourn. I choose to mourn by taking up the torches of these fallen angels and honor them through the actions of my own life – everyday.