19 Things Only Sensible People Will Relate To

    The instructions on packets are there for a reason, people.

    1. Before a night out with friends, you make sure everyone's stomachs are sufficiently lined.

    2. And you're often in charge of taking care of anyone who has too many drinks.

    Exactly what it's like taking care of a drunk friend

    3. You also act as their personal chemist when they're hungover.

    4. Your friends' parents think you're wonderful.

    when my friends parents tell me im a delight

    5. And when you were growing up they probably called you a "good influence".

    6. You are the snack-bringer on any long journey.

    7. Your friends come to you as a source of shrewd, solid advice.

    8. When it's your birthday, you request only practical gifts from your loved ones.

    When I was 11 somebody bought me a toaster for Christmas and I guess I was pretty happy

    "I have a disproportionately low number of teaspoons so yes, teaspoons please. What do you mean that's weird?"

    9. Although you try to remember your mates might not appreciate practical things on their birthday.

    10. You take the instructions on packets and recipes very, very seriously.

    11. The idea of breaking even the smallest of rules makes you feel REALLY on edge.

    12. And you're always a bit worried about coming off as smug whenever your prudent nature pays off.

    13. You buy shoes based on comfort and practicality.

    14. In fact, sensible clothes are just incredibly important to you.

    15. At house parties you've found yourself in charge of making sure the host's house doesn't get destroyed.

    16. "Let's not do anything rash" has basically become your catchphrase.

    17. Spontaneity isn't really your cup of tea, how will you prepare for all the possible outcomes?

    I hate spontaneity I need plans I need order I need pre meditated intentions I need to read your itinerary & approve it

    Where are we going? What are we doing? Do I need a jacket? Should I pack a sandwich?

    18. Your idea of a "late night" means having seven hours sleep instead of eight.

    19. And looking back, your teenage rebellion was probably short-lived and not all that rebellious.