19 Things People Who Grew Up In Slough Will Just Get

    Not to brag, but our Tesco is massive.

    1. After school you would hang out around Queensmere shopping centre.

    2. If you were desperate to kill more time, you might venture to the Observatory, the shopping centre directly next to it.

    3. And maybe go to one of Slough's many chicken shops.

    4. You lived in fear of the reckless, overly confident pigeons in the high street.

    5. You're familiar with Station Jim, the resident stuffed dog of Slough railway station.

    6. You remember when the original bus station was demolished...

    7. And replaced with this weird, reminiscent-of-sperm monstrosity.

    8. All your teenage dates happened at this Nando's.

    9. If you wanted to feel sophisticated when revising for exams, you'd go to the classiest place in Slough – Starbucks.

    10. You would lie and answer "Windsor" when asked where you live.

    11. Or if you were really pushing it, "I'm from London."

    12. You would know at least one person with a part-time job at Legoland.

    13. You were really quite excited when this giant Tesco was built, and you occasionally still brag about it now.

    14. If you wanted to go clothes shopping, you'd have to go to Windsor.

    15. Because a lot of the clothes shops in Slough just sold slogan T-shirts.

    “@bethstafford123: Look what I just filing saw with @MillieJHope burn it ” only in slough.

    16. You remember Slough always being on Road Wars, and probably recognised a few of the streets.

    It's only ever Slough that is on Road Wars😂😂

    17. Your first clubbing experiences were in Liquid in Windsor, or Uxbridge if you fancied a change.

    18. You judged anyone who seriously pronounced it "Sluff".

    19. And whenever you said where you were from, someone would mention The Office.