

Imelda Marcos was only without her makeup for thirty minutes every day. Right now I am taking that as a personal challenge. I caused a car accident in downtown Cleveland just by smiling at a man driving by. I believe in kindness above. I am trying to embody what I call "hot communism:" mass art, without all of the hum-drum mediocrity of utilitarianism. I laugh a lot in general, am a desperate hypochondriac, and love a good work of historical non-fiction. My scalp is always dry. My spine is made of metal. When I say I will, I will. I enjoy medical yawn theory: the discussion and experimentation of. I love hot tea, and am a constant worrier. Once, on a psychological evaluation, I was asked several times whether or not I look at my bowel movements before I flush them down. I marked "yes" because there was no "sometimes" option. I suppose in some circles, my response might be indicative of the profound. I overline both my lips and eyes. The math of makeup art will dictate that this process is acceptable in that if everything is overlined, nothing looks overdone. Answer that, and stay fashionable. I fully believe that triviality is a synonym for frivolity, but that frivolity is never trivial. Occasionally I get the inkling to put aerosol cans in the microwave. The fact that I haven't yet is a testament to my undeniable will. Upon looking over what I just entered, I realized that I begin nearly all of my sentences with "I". Either I am self assured, or an ego maniacal nutbar. I've got my fingers crossed for a combo of both.

Oct 2010
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