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    The Best DIY Face Masks

    Regular facials are great for your skin. Facials help rejuvenate your skin cells, giving your face a radiant glow that everyone will instantly notice and even make heads turn.

    However, these facial sessions are becoming quite expensive especially if you're trying to maintain your beautiful skin. Rather than sacrificing your whole budget and livelihood, why not make your own facial masks at home? Fruits, herbs, oils, and other common household items can be combined to make facial masks with different effects that will cater to multiple sorts of skin problems.

    What's even better is that the minerals and chemicals they have are all natural! Some facial creams contain artificial man-made chemicals and some even come from places (or things) you don't want to know. Anyway, here are some easy to make facial masks at home:

    Ripe Papaya Peels

    Papayas can indeed brighten your skin. Cut a slice of ripe papaya and take off the seeds and pulp. Then take the papaya peel and rub its inside on your cleansed face. If you have crow's feet around the outside edges of your eyes, thinning temples, lines around the eyes and mouth, focus rubbing the papaya peel on those areas. Let it dry for 15 minutes then rinse it off with water. Do this twice a week in order to exfoliate and repair your skin which will make it brighter!

    Yogurt + Lemon

    I know combining these sounds gross as they're both so sour. However, this combination is said to be as good as having a facelift and will tighten your skin. If you want to test this out and prove it to yourself, combine 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt and a tablespoon of pure lemon juice and apply on your cleansed face and neck. Let it dry for 20 to 30 minutes so you can read a few chapters while waiting for it to dry up.

    As it is drying, you'll feel a tightening sensation on your skin which creates a lifting and firming effect. Afterwards, rinse it two times, first with tepid water then follow it with cool water. It is said that this face lifting mask is great for acne scars removal and can even out uneven skin tones.

    Yogurt + Olive Oil + Lemon Oil

    This combination is great for general cleaning you can do everyday. Mix together a tablespoon of Greek yogurt, 2 teaspoons olive oil, and a half a teaspoon of lemon oil (which you can buy at health food stores). Massage it over your skin then immediately wipe it off with a water-soaked washcloth. Just be careful not to get some on your eyes since it's very sticky.