
Jane C.

I don't really know exactly what I'm all about. I'm that puzzle piece that doesn't ever quite fit, no matter where you try to put it - so I jam myself in anyway and pretend I'm supposed to be a true part of the whole picture, whether I actually belong or not. But I'm a happy little misfit, so no worries. In truth, I still really have no clue exactly who I am or what I want out of life, on a deeper level. I'm not entertaining any illusions that I'll ever get it figured out, either. But trying is the best any of us can really hope for, anyway, isn't it? And so I keep on keeping on... I live with my fiance Todd. We are getting married on July 17, 2010. We are proud parents to our daughter, Madeline Avery, who was born on January 8, 2010.

Mar 2010
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