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    Empire Magazine Are Preparing For The New X-Men Film In The Coolest Way Possible.

    To celebrate the May release of X-men; Days of Future Past, Empire Magazine have gone all out to pay tribute to our favourite mutants with limited edition covers of the magazine. Here's what the 25 covers there are to collect show about how amazing the new film is going to be.

    1. Bryan Singer joins the pack

    2. Professor Charles Xavier gets the aging treatment

    3. As does Magneto

    4. But Empire can have hiccups

    5. And as the central focus Wolverine also gets a double feature

    6. You really wouldn't mess with Storm

    7. Although you'd probably like to get close to Rogue

    8. But J-Law as Mystique tops them both

    9. However the blue vixen should watch her back

    10. Hang on....haven't I seen Iceman somewhere before?