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25 Times "How I Met Your Mother" Was The Funniest Show On TV

Suit up and take a trip down memory lane.

1. When Ted's teaching career didn't get off to the best of starts.

2. When Marshall and Ted put off planning for the future.

3. When Ted discovered that he may have been lied to as a child.

4. And then experienced bacon for the first time.

5. When Ted had this heckle for a referee:

6. When Barney lost his ability to be photogenic.

7. When we found out why Robin has a fear of malls.

8. When Barney made this funny but true observation.

9. When Barney's pigeons had just the perfect names.

10. All of the times we never found out Barney's job.

11. When Marshall was high. Really high.

12. When Barney and Robin had the perfect high-five.

13. When Robin caught Ted mid-hobby.


15. When Marshall shared these charts.

16. The time Ted knew a little too much about buildings.

17. When Barney got ketchup on his tie.

18. When Ted's inner-grammar nerd got the better of him.

19. The time Barney got stupidly excited over gummy bears.

20. When Ted had his suspicions of Barney.

21. When Marshall technically never lied.

22. When Barney and Ted created a drinking game around Robin's overuse of the word "umm".

23. When Ted said this to a vegan.

24. When Marshall was dealing with a new species of pet.

25. And finally, when Marshall slapped Barney, multiple times, during the "Slap Bet" episode.