21 Serious Questions Raised By Unnecessary Quotation Marks

    Please enjoy your "safe" and "comfortable" flight.

    1. This sign for "stairs" that make you wonder if you're about to walk into a trap.

    2. This banner that makes you question the validity of your "Real" plastic surgeon.

    3. This skydiving brochure that makes you question if you should have made a will before jumping out of a "perfectly good airplane".

    4. This sign that makes you doubt if you'll survive your "safe" and "comfortable" flight.

    5. This advertisement for having your car "WASHED BY HAND" that makes you question just what condition you're getting your car back in.

    6. This sign for "chili" that makes you question just what the fuck you're actualy eating.

    7. This "SUSHI" sign that makes you wonder if you're about to be eating a live salmon.

    8. These instructions that make you nervous about what body part they actually mean when they say "finger".

    9. This card giving directions for "service" that makes you question if you've just entered a brothel.

    10. This letter that makes you ask yourself just how much you truly "matter" in the universe.

    11. This price tag for "Bread" that makes you question its doughy contents.

    12. This Graffiti that makes you question who is "DOG"?

    13. This handwritten 'MILK' sign that makes you uncertain about what you're going to be eating your cereal with.

    14. This "sorry" sign that makes you question the sincerity of their apology.

    15. This direction for employees to "WASH HANDS" that makes you wonder whether you'll be getting a side order of food poisoning with your meal.

    16. This "NON-ALCOHOLIC" drinks menu that makes you question whether you'll be wasted in the next hour.

    17. These directions for 'TOILETS' that make you worry you're about to walk into a slaughterhouse.

    18. This sign that makes you question the quality of your "fine" jewelry.

    19. This advertisement for fireworks "YOU CAN TRUST" that makes you question if you'll blow yourself the fuck up.

    20. This business named "the carpet store" which makes you question if they have a meth lab in the basement.

    21. This label that makes you wonder what's really in these "Brownies".