14 People Who Wish They Never Asked The Internet For Help

    Reminder: The internet is not your friend.

    1. This man who asked the internet to photoshop the sun between his fingers.

    And got this:

    2. This guy who needed help with a medical emergency.

    And ended up with a new nickname:

    3. This woman who emailed a friend asking for help with designing a poster for her missing cat.

    And got these over-enthusiastic replies:

    4. When this person asked a genuine question.

    And got this response:

    5. When someone posted this image on 4chan, asking for help in getting the man in the photo touching the top of the Eiffel Tower.

    And got back these images:

    6. When this Yahoo Answers user asked the definition of a word.

    And was left waiting:

    7. When this photographer asked the internet for help with removing a guy on a scooter from a beachfront scene.

    And got back these:

    8. This skateboarder who wanted help in appearing more skilled.

    And ended up looking a little too talented:

    9. This Yahoo Answers user who wanted some advice on pest control.

    And received an unorthodox education on insects:

    10. This guy who just wanted help fixing redeye.

    And ended up in space:

    11. This kind Facebook user who was just trying to help.

    And fell into a recursive hell:

    12. This guy who turned to the internet for help with his fear of rejection.

    and got rejected:

    13. This guy who just wanted a perfect photo with his girlfriend.

    And ended up with these:

    14. This man who dared ask the internet for dieting advice.

    And was answered with this