11 Times Sunburns Made Your Life Unbearable

    The sun hates you, and wants you to be miserable.

    1. Taking a shower was like being sprayed with acid.

    2. A light touch became a vicious and painful assault.

    3. You learned new things about your friends — namely that are not to be trusted with sunblock.

    4. You generally looked like a doofus.

    5. Sleep — normally a time of peace — was eight hours of agonizing mental and physical torture.

    6. Clothes were a cruel and unusual punishment.

    7. Trying to work out was miserable since you couldn't really sweat.

    8. Overheating was real.

    9. You had to deal with your mom's lectures.

    10. Peeling.

    11. Deep down inside you knew that this was all your fault and could've been avoided if you had just been better about sunblock.