25 Things People Who Doodle Know To Be True

    We make masterpieces in the margins.

    1. You have pages and pages of absolutely worthless notes.

    2. You've been accused of not paying attention because you were drawing.

    3. Your drawings are an outlet for your busy mind.

    4. Sometimes you aren't really sure what you're drawing.

    5. You've been... disturbed by what you drew.

    6. You mastered how to draw that fancy "S" at an early age.

    7. You do some of your best work... on random pieces of paper.

    8. You've hesitated to turn in a paper because you made an awesome drawing on the back of it

    9. You've drawn so much on one page that it becomes impossible to make anything out.

    10. You need to buy fresh notebooks way more often than your non-doodling peers.

    11. You carry around nice art supplies so you can doodle like a pro.

    12. People around you are always interested in your doodles.

    13. But sometimes they have the gall to judge your art.

    14. You have to make a concerted effort not to draw whenever there's a pen and paper in front of you...

    15. ...And you usually fail completely.

    16. You turn into a child whenever a restaurant has crayons.

    17. Sometimes you get so caught up in your doodles that you forget what you were supposed to be doing.

    18. You've drawn on a desk.

    19. You've drawn on your hand.

    20. You've drawn on something important that you shouldn't have.

    21. You fondly remember the days when everyone was playing Draw Something.

    22. You're able to entertain yourself by doodling when you're not able to use your phone or computer.

    23. You've spent multiple days working on one doodle.

    24. Your absent-minded doodles sometimes take on a life of their own.

    Sometimes a sketch turns into something great.

    25. And you know, no matter what the haters say, that doodling is sign of a mature, creative mind.