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    21 Things You Learn When You Move To Thailand

    Things you will learn if you move to Thailand or spend any considerable amount of time in the Land of Smiles.

    1. How to cut meat with a spoon.

    2. Geckos move way too fast.

    3. You’ve never wanted a new suit or a massage less in your life.

    4. You did not look as cool and unique as you thought you did when you looked like this in college.

    5. It’s totally acceptable to eat fried chicken for breakfast.

    6. Christmas is just as popular in majority-Buddhist countries.

    7. Time is subject to interpretation, and that's a good thing.

    8. You really, really love bread and cheese.

    9. Ping-pong has a whole different meaning.

    10. No matter where you go in the world, McDonalds will always taste the same (and that is strangely comforting).

    11. McDonalds delivers, and so does KFC.

    12. Poo, Pee, Butt, and Ass are perfectly acceptable nicknames.

    13. Animal parts deemed “inedible” in America are actually quite delicious.

    14. Thailand’s political situation will NEVER be stable.

    15. You can eat out for every meal of the day and only spend $3 USD.

    16. Everything goes better with cucumbers.

    17. Tourists can be very annoying.

    18. If you want to eat dinner before 5 pm, that’s not a problem.

    19. A big bottle of beer gets warm faster than you can drink it.

    20. Koozies are a God-given gift.

    21. Taking a tuk-tuk ride after drinking five Chang’s is the scariest GoKart ride ever imagined.