

Are you tired of talking to yourself in a negative way? Then it’s moment to make use of positive affirmations in your life. Positive affirmations are important as they help you push down the self-doubt you experience and increase your confidence. In case you don’t think you need to use them, think of this: you are already saying stuff to yourself, and the chances are good that what you are saying is not very positive. Perhaps you are saying that you are unworthy, ugly, stupid, or some variation of those things. Maybe you are beating yourself up with your words in one or more particular area of your life. In case you are, then you are using negative affirmations. And as you are saying them repeatedly, you are telling your unconscious that the negative things you are saying are real, so your beliefs and behavior are affected negatively because of it.You have an option to either use negative or positive affirmations. You are always going to use one or the other, so why don't you use positive affirmations where you tell yourself things that increase your confidence and affect your beliefs and behaviors positively? Unsure where to begin? Following are One hundred positive affirmations for all aspects of your life.

Feb 2016
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