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    36 Times Twitter Superstar Neil deGrasse Tyson Answered Question No One Asked

    But you're really glad he did.


    In cartoons, Lobsters & other Crustaceans that talk are typically drawn Red. But they’re that color only after you boil them


    The more oddly shaped your City's buildings are, the more likely they will be featured In photos for Travel Brochures.


    When a coincidence seems amazing, that's because the human mind isn’t wired to naturally comprehend probability & statistics.


    Seasons are caused by the 23.5-degree tilt in Earth’s axis. Without it, fashion would need a different excuse to change.


    Total Eclipses occur every couple of years or so. If anyone calls them "rare", ask if they feel that way about the Olympics.


    Not that anybody asked, but when the Moon is in the 7th house, & Jupiter aligns with Mars, nothing will happen because of it.


    Since mega- is the metric prefix for a million, "Mega Millions" state lottery jackpots should really be paying trillions.


    Without a space program that discovers, tracks & deflects killer asteroids, our extinction is assured by one. Have a nice day


    Felix Baumgartner's "Edge of Space” jump, if scaled to a schoolroom globe, begins 1mm above its surface. I'm just saying.


    Tonight’s Super Moon fits easily within the field of view seen though a drinking straw. I’m just saying.


    Not that anybody asked, but still disgruntled that the “Alphabet Song" has the same melody as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”.


    Just to settle it once and for all: Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? The Egg -- laid by a bird that was not a Chicken


    Just an FYI: Crossing the sky at much higher angles, winter full Moons appear, on average, brighter than summer full Moons.


    July’s full moon is to August's "Super Moon” what a 16.0 inch pizza is to a 16.1 inch pizza. I’m just saying.


    Seems to me, as long as we don't program emotions into Robots, there's no reason to fear them taking over the world.


    The @UPS tracking uses 17 digits & one letter. Enough for 2.6 quintillion packages. That's 370 million per person on Earth.


    Not that anybody asked, but still disgruntled that the “Alphabet Song" has the same melody as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”.


    Just an FYI: Within two minutes of flight, the Shuttle's air-speed exceeds that of a bullet fired from an M16 assault rifle.


    Plants get their energy from the Sun. Herbivores from plants. Carnivores from herbivores. In the end, we're all solar powered


    Just an FYI:Excess fat hauled on American tummies, hips, & butts would sustain caloric needs of Afghanistan people for a year


    If Detroit added a pro-sports team & called it the Bears, the City could boast it was home to the Lions and Tigers and Bears.


    Just an FYI: Stars in the Universe far outnumber all sounds & words ever uttered by all humans who ever lived.


    Sundials designed for the North won't work in the Southern Hemisphere. If ported there, they would reckon time backwards.


    Just an FYI:: Little-known Solar System Fact -- Pluto is less than 1/5 the mass of Earth's Moon. Get over it.


    Earth's centrifugal force at the Equator renders everybody and everything about 6% lighter than they𠆝 weigh at the poles.


    Just an FYI: It takes twice as much energy to throw a baseball 100mph than it does to throw one at 70mph. Do The Physics


    Just an FYI: Until the Methods & Tools of science were developed, people hardly knew anything about anything.


    The flag in Antarctica that ID's the South Pole has to be repositioned every year. The glacier beneath moves continuously.


    Just an FYI: Michael Phelps has as many Medals in the #Olympics - all time - as the country of India, with 1.2 billion people


    If Pizza sizes were given in area not diameter, you'd see instantly that a 7 inch is less than half the size of a 10 inch pie


    Just an FYI: Today is "Thursday the 12th" and it's just as common as "Friday the 13th"


    Not that anybody asked, but the symbol "lb" for pound comes from an abbreviation of the constellation Libra, the scales.


    Just an FYI: Roman Numerals have no zero because it was not yet invented, allowing year 2000 to be written efficiently as MM.


    Just an FYI: Energy consumed by the United States in one year equals the energy made by the Sun in one millionth of a second.


    If you removed all arteries veins & capillaries from a person's body & tied them end-to-end then...that person would die.


    Just an FYI: If you blow-torch a shuttle tile to red-hot, in time it takes to put down the torch, tile is back to room temp.