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    14 Signs Summer Is Fast Approaching

    The realities of waiting too long.

    1. All of sudden summer is 6 weeks away, not 6 months

    2. And you realise you don't have any plans

    3. All you can think of is the money you will spend

    4. You hate talking to friends with plans

    5. Seemingly every application is due tomorrow

    6. And the ones that are open aren't going so well

    7. You are pretty sure you're sorely underqualified

    8. Existential Crises become De Rigueur

    9. Suddenly you need a plan X, Y, and Z

    10. Suddenly you regret how you left your last summer job

    11. This is you everytime your friend's plans work out

    12. When you realise you'll probably have to go home

    13. And that the call you didn't want to make has to happen

    14. But then you remember the best part of summer