Attempting Inbox Zero As Told Through "Ninja Gaiden" GIFs

    Cutting through my emails like katanas cut through warm butter.

    1. My epic journey began late last night after work, with an inbox bursting full of not-yet-answered emails, delayed tasks, and uncompleted drafts.

    staring down my email inbox like

    2. But after only an hour of work, I had my inbox down to 25 emails and was really hitting my stride.

    25 emails left got me like

    3. Sadly... pride cometh before the fall.

    With 15 emails left, I was at the hot burning core of my ignored inbox. These were the emails that demanded the most from me. Work memos, event planning, that happy birthday e-card I'd been meaning to send my ma.

    Last 15 emails looking out at me like

    4. Two whole hours passed and I only made it through five more emails. My inbox was winning.

    Faltering with just 10 emails left my inbox's got me like

    5. But wait! Encouragement came in the form of a co-worker who was also up wasting time on Twitter— I mean trying to go through work emails.

    @IsaacFitzgerald this is a fucking twitter masterpiece BRAVO

    6. Alas, I was too proud to accept my co-worker's kind words. The shame poured from my eyes.

    @alixmcalpine Thanks, Alix, but with ten (now eleven because someone just wrote me) emails left I am no Ninja Gaiden.

    7. Sensing weakness, my co-worker revealed her nefarious intentions, exposing herself as an agent of my evil inbox.

    @IsaacFitzgerald brb gonna write you so many emails

    8. Thus perfectly ending the Ninja Gaiden Inbox Saga.

    @alixmcalpine You... you have no idea how well you just completed this Ninja Gaiden Twitter Play, Alix. Goodnight...

    9. In conclusion, stay on top of your work emails, folks.

    10. When I left the office, I discovered that my bike handles had been stolen.

    Looked at the air where my stolen bike handles should be & then at the low # of emails in my inbox & muttered "worth it" as I hailed a cab..