13 Things People Who Missed The "House Of Cards" Leak Are Feeling Right Now

    The Underwood FOMO is real.

    Out of nowhere, House of Cards Season 3 appeared on Netflix on Feb. 11, two weeks before its scheduled release.

    UM ALERT. House of Cards season 3 is on Netflix. Now.

    And the internet went crazy...

    House of Cards Season 3 just pulled a Beyonce, is now online

    ::BURNS CALENDAR:: RT @youngsinick: Netflix Beyoncé'd season three of "House of Cards":

    ...until Netflix realized the error and removed the episodes.

    Those who had started playing an episode were able to continue watching. But people who missed out on that opportunity began going through ALL of the feelings:

    1. Like wanting to cancel Netflix.

    I hate @netflix #unsubscribe RT @shiracenter: Is it gone? House of Cards Season 3 is GONE?!?!

    2. Like realizing they were wrong to try and cleanse before indulging.

    3. Like plotting revenge.

    I'm seriously about to bust into #Netflix and go all Carrie on their asses! Like for real. I work in your building bitches! #HouseofCards

    4. Like wondering who's gonna die over this.

    ...And then Netflix pulled House of Cards down. Someone is 100% lying dead in the woods because of this.

    5. Like cursing their doctor.

    missed house of cards leak due to therapy

    6. Like breaking into tears.

    *weeps softly* RT @kevinpokeeffe: aaaaaand it’s gone. #HouseOfCards http://t.co/nO5j7M8Xah

    7. Like literal, sobbing emoji tears.

    Bruh I was ready to hit play on season 3 of house of cards and that shit was gone 😭😭

    8. Like blaming the victims.

    It'd be awesome if Netflix was like IT WAS A TEST AND YOU ALL FAILED and then never released House of Cards season 3.

    9. Like pure shock and confusion.

    Got mad hyped bout that house of cards leak then they took it back like...

    10. Like needing to sit down to compose themselves.

    i've never gone through such a roller coaster of emotions @netflix @HouseofCards WHYYY

    11. Like losing their religion.

    Very disappointed I missed that 20-minute window for early worship at the Church of Claire Underwood. #HouseofCards

    12. Like knowing the characters they created had a mind of their own.

    Well folks, when Frank Underwood wants to tease...he doesn't fuck around. @HouseofCards @netflix

    13. Like getting way too meta.

    This is Washington. There's always a leak. All 13 episodes will launch February 27.

    House of Cards Season 3 premieres on Netflix on Feb. 27. For real.