Definitive Proof "Back To The Future Part II" Predicted The Damn Future

    The future is NOW.

    In Back to the Future Part II, Marty McFly travels to 2015, a world of hoverboards and other fantastic creations.

    But the true oracle of 2015 is none other than Jennifer Parker (played by the iconic Elisabeth Shue).

    Jennifer passes out during the movie and literally spends 2015 asleep on a porch.


    She predicted the goddamn future.

    If I don't get out of bed today, I could be that guy who stays in bed for all of 2015.

    Hey 2015! Nice to meet you! I'm gonna be in bed!

    You think that's a joke, 2015? Nope. Gonna be asleep.

    Allllllll year.

    Crawling from the toilet back to my bed = starting 2015 off right

    Not. Getting. Up.

    Spent the entire first day of 2015 asleep 😀🔫

    The defense rests. (Literally. We're asleep.)

    We are still in bed.My first pic of 2015!Chewie in bed,hogging practically the entire bed and all the covers.Heehee!

    Goodnight, 2015. See you in 2016!

    Up to "The One Where I Don't Get Out of Bed" watching Friends on Netflix

    How does it feel to be a fortune teller, Elisabeth Shue?!