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    Why Davis, CA Is The Quirkiest City You Will Ever Know

    Do you even recycle?

    The number #1 bike capital in the country, and second in the world to only Amsterdam. (Amsterdam, aren't you already #1 pot country in the world? Why do you gotta take our bikes?) There are actually more bikes than people in Davis. There are specific bike traffic laws, roads, and street lights.

    With the highest ratio of educational degrees (masters, phD, bachelors) in the country, you can expect your experiences in Davis to be filled with insightful conversations... or just find your time chilling with the eggheads. There are 7 eggheads conveniently located all across the University of California, Davis, created by Robert Arneson in 1989.

    Never change, good ol' Davis.

    Oh and Davis is proud of one more thing.