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    10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Music And Your Brain

    Your brain plays a bigger role than you think.

    1. Listening to music can change your emotions

    2. Your heart rate can change depending on whether you find a song pleasant or not

    3. You may think of fast songs as happy, but your brain may not show it

    4. Your brain might be asymmetrical when it comes to music perception

    5. Certain regions of your brain may be specifically involved with certain emotions

    6. Listening to happy music can stimulate the reward centers in your brain

    7. Feeling emotion during music and assessing the emotion of a song are two different things

    8. There may be different processes in recognizing emotions in music and recognizing familiarity of a song

    9. Listening to a song and remembering that song may involve the same emotional processes

    10. Irregular chords may cause activation in the amygdala