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    Re-Casting 'The Big Bang Theory' With The Muppets


    Leonard = Kermit The Frog

    This one's fairly easy. Leonard and Penny are the Kermit and Miss Piggy of the series. While Sheldon eventually became the main event due to his mass nerdtastic appeal, the original hook for the series was the would-they-wouldn't-they romance between Penny and Leonard. And just like Kermit in Miss Piggy's presence, Leonard was often found willling to bend just about every which way for Miss Penny. (And even now, the sheer idea of the possibility of sex with Penny still does the trick.)

    Penny = Miss Piggy

    Penny's Muppet goes hand-in-hand with Leonard's. Obviously she's the Miss Piggy to Leonard's Kermie -- they're just on one of those seasons where they try out the whole "just friends" thing. We all know they're the Ross and Rachel of this bunch. And while Penny may not be as self-centered as Miss Piggy, and she's certainly calmed down since the first iteration of her character, you can't deny there are at least a few similarities.

    Sheldon = Dr. Honeydew

    I'd like to pick a more central Muppet for Sheldon - and one that isn't so obviously a nerd and a scientist - but if the shoe fits... Dr. Honeydew is The Muppets' resident intellectual, and their resident intellectual who can barely see past his own nose. Sheldon has trouble understanding or listening to the people around him, and so does Dr. Honeydew. The only reason Sheldon gets a leg up on this comparison is that he never accidentally sent his lab assistant through a Xerox machine or turned his or her head into a Jack-o-lantern.

    Amy = Lady Dr. Honeydew

    This one's a bit of a cheat, but our hands were a bit tied. If Amy is supposed to be a female Sheldon, we had to bend the rules a bit and create a female Honeydew. In all fairness though, she is way better-looking than Ms. Honeydew.

    Raj = Fozzie Bear

    They're both hapless. They're both goofy. They're both constantly fumbling, yet they're still lovable. Plus, they really seem to share an affinity for awkward, outdated hand gestures.

    Howard = Gonzo

    Come on. If this photo isn't proof that these two are kindred spirits, then I don't know what is. Plus, there's that whole "fancies himself a ladies' man" quality he's got going on. Although, Gonzo's got him beat there; he's got a harem...of chickens.

    Bernadette = Camille, The Chicken

    Of all of Gonzo's harem, one in particular steals his heart: fair Hen, Camille. For Howard, it was sort of the other way around - Bernadette is likely the only girl who could love Howard. I mean, he's lived with his mother for most of his adult life; that's not exactly lady bait. But like Bernadette, Camille has a slightly grating - but not unnervingly so - funny little voice and has few other characteristics than being completely gaga for Gonzo. Bernadette is a sweetheart and she gets a few good comedic bits, but she's mostly just that cute girl who agreed to marry Howard.