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21 People Who Are Way Too Turnt

"TURN DOWN FOR WHAT?" —Jesus Christ, probably

1. This wedding party.

2. This girl using a slice of pizza as a pillow.

Drunk girl using a slice of pizza as a pillow... Welcome to Britain

3. Whoever left this at the club.

So turnt up they left their leg at the club

4. This grandma.

5. This guy.

6. This teacher.


7. This dog that looks like Big Sean.

8. This congregation.


9. Rob Ford.

10. This squad.


11. These puppies.

12. These cats.

View this video on YouTube


13. This giraffe.

14. This baby.

15. This kid drunk with power.

16. These eyebrows.

17. This chair doing the stanky legg.

18. This soda.

19. This person.

20. Mary.

21. And Craig.