21 Words You Probably Forgot Are Short For Something

    Don't get me wrong — abbreviations are THE BEST, but sometimes they make us forget things that are even more awesome. Like, why would anyone ever want to stop saying "cabriolet"?

    1. Taxicab = Taximeter + Cabriolet

    2. Emoticon = Emotive (emotion) Icon

    3. Car = Carriage

    4. Smog = Smoke + Fog

    5. Velcro = The French Words "Velours" (Velvet) + "Crochet" (Hook)

    6. Tanzania = Tanganyika & Zanzibar

    7. Motel = Motor (Motorists') Hotel

    8. Microsoft = Microcomputer + Software

    9. Movie = Moving Picture

    10. Chortle = Chuckle + Snort

    11. Taser = Thomas A Swift Electric Rifle

    12. Pixel = Picture Element

    13. Vitamin = Vital + Amine

    14. Bit = Binary + Digit

    15. New York Knicks = Knickerbockers

    16. Snark = Snide + Remark

    17. Fan = Fanatic

    18. OK = Oll Korrect??

    19. Cyborg = Cybernetic + Organism

    20. Newt Gingrich = Newton Gingrich

    21. And one Tumblr user's brilliant finding: