Now Presenting: Channing Tatum On Demand

    Time Warner Cable is wisely capitalizing on the Magic Mike madness with a section in its On Demand offerings exclusively dedicated to Channing Tatum.

    In the "Enjoy Better" tab of Time Warner's Movies on Demand Channel, alongside "Pixar" and "Musicals," is the Channing Tatum collection. Brilliant!

    The offerings include 21 Jump Street, Fighting, GI Joe: Cobra, Haywire, Step Up, Stop Loss, and Vow. The slightly older movies are $1.99 to rent, while the newer ones will cost you $4.99.

    I think we both know what you're doing tonight. If you don't have Time Warner — or cable, for that matter — let this list of cinematic masterpieces serve as a primer of Tatum films guide you through your Magic Mike withdrawal.