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    Finals Week As Told By The Office

    Because who knows what you're going through better than the Dunder Mifflin crew.

    Checking your semester grades like:

    And you think:

    You tried paying attention in class but all you got was:

    So when you actually start studying you're like:

    And studying in a group doesn't help:

    So you literally move into the library:

    You’ve been studying so long, everything annoys you:

    And you reach your breaking point:

    Alas, it's time to take your exam:

    You’re handed the exam feeling like:

    But you power through like the beautiful genius that you are:

    So you begin checking your email 2348973 times a day for your grade.

    But wait, what’s that..? YOU PASSED?!?!

    You ARE really smart, raise the roof.