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    Movie Over Grumpy Cat, Sookie Is About To Take Your Thrown

    Grumpy Cat, aka Tarter Sauce, has been on top of the cat kingdom since she was introduced to the internet in 2012. Since then we've been a nation obsessed with her grumpy demeanor, but there's a new cat in town. Meet, Sookie.

    She loves Ryan Gosling

    She's petite

    She knows her best angles

    Her down dog could use a little work

    Sleeping is her favorite sport of choice

    She hates diets. HATES them.

    She has approval over all selfies

    She loves pizza

    And bagels

    And salad

    And Chipotle

    And pretzels

    And naps

    But don't try and take her food away

    Or wake her up from a nap

    Because she will yell at you

    Then snuggle you

    So Follow Her Adventures on Instagram

    Because she's taking over the internet

    And she loves equal rights!

    K, byeeeeeeeee.