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    15 Canadian TV Shows You Watched In The 90s'

    We may not have had American hit tv shows but we had all of these to be proud to call our own...and we had Ryan Gosling!! So let's take a walk through 90's Canada!!

    15. You Can't Do That on Television - (1979-1990)

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    Premise: Kinda like Canada's version of the Mickey Mouse Club.

    Fun Fact: If you mentioned the word "water" you had water dumped on your head. If you said "I don't know" then you were slimed.

    PS: Alanis was a regular cast member on the show

    14. Due South - (1994-19990

    13. Degrassi High - (1987-1991)

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    Premise: Following the everyday life of teenagers at high school.

    Fun Fact: The show dealt with a lot of serious issues: teen pregnancies, homosexuality and interracial relationships

    PS: You know you definitely had a crush on Joey Jeremiah and you knew for sure your parents would never let you be friends with Spike in real life.

    12. The Kids in the Hall - (1988-1994)

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    Premise: A very Canadian sketch comedy show

    Fun Fact: The 5 main characters played the majority of roles

    PS: The "Dave's I Know" song will be stuck in your head all day!

    11. La Femme Nikita - (1997-2001)

    10. Breaker High - (1997-1998)

    9. Sunday Night Sex Show with Sue - (1996-2005)

    8. YTV Hit List - (1991-2005)

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    Premise: Music video countdown show

    Fun Fact: If you saw Tarzan Dan "swing" through one of the videos you could win a fan pack

    PS: I won a fan pack twice :)

    7. Are You Afraid of the Dark - (1990-2000)

    6. The Red Green Show- (1991-2006)

    5. Neon Rider- (1989-1995)

    4. Coach's Corner - (1980-present)

    3. Road to Avonlea - (1990-1996)

    2. The Buck Shot Show- (1967-1997)

    1. Much Music - (1984-present)