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    15 Reasons You Worshipped Robot Wars As A Kid

    Back in the late 90s and early 00s Robot Wars steamrollered into the Friday night schedules and quashed all that lay before it. We pay tribute to show that had us longing for a weaponised metallic pet of our very own

    1. The arena was like some twisted fantasy you'd have after staying awake the whole night playing Unreal Tournament

    2. With Craig Charles gazing over all like some power-crazed manager of a nearby Laser Quest

    3. Some of the robots made you bounce up and down on the sofa until juice came spilling out your nose

    4. Others were borderline hallucinogenic

    5. Or so indestructible they'd survive a nuclear winter

    6. Or just plain ridiculous

    7. Jonathan Pearce shouted over everything in a state of near-perpetual frenzy

    8. And when Sir Killalot rolled into town you'd stare at the screen in a dumbfounded trance

    9. We still have nightmares about this guy today

    10. We learned there's hundreds of people walking amongst us dying for the opportunity to show off their giant metal killing machines

    11. And that even our cosy little BBC2 logo isn't safe from the carnage

    12. The names of the robots sounded like the line-up of a Swedish thrash metal festival...

    13. But nothing could top the avian might of Razer, the show's most successful ever entrant

    14. Some of the robots were so iconic that you could buy toy versions

    15. And after it finished you could always switch on your PC, pop in your Robot Wars CD-ROM, and spend the evening bashing the hell out of pixellated versions of Chaos II and co. Perfect.