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    13 Things We Have Come To Realize In Our First Year Out Of College

    As the flood of photos from formals, senior week, and graduation begin to overtake our Facebooks, Instagrams, and Snapchats, we are faced with this one question: WHY AREN’T WE IN THOSE PHOTOS? It’s hard to believe that one year has already passed us, but along the way we have gained some valuable life lessons.

    1. At work you still have to actively control the desire to start any and every conversation with “so, what house are you in?”

    2. And you have to dress yourself in clothes that don’t fall under ‘Lamont Casual.’

    3. But, suddenly, you know how to make friends without even mentioning your concentration.

    4. Arriving seven minutes past the start time does not mean you are “on time.” You’re actually supposed to arrive “early” to events and meetings.

    5. And, unlike lecture, when you go to work meetings you have to pay attention.

    6. Staying up late doing real world work is not the same as staying up late doing school work.

    7. Breaking News: EVERYTHING costs money. Boardplus does not exist. Real world Stein Clubs are called Happy Hours, and once you’re six half-priced beers deep, it’s no longer a “deal.”

    8. And even though trying all those delicious restaurants downtown never gets old...


    10. As a result, one must cook to survive***

    ***Jokes, you're nothing without your incredible, tireless dining hall staff.

    11. While the shameless mating rituals of Last Chance Dance do not fly in the real world…

    12. You can always try to relive senior week at Harvard-Yale. And that’s okay.

    13. In the end, you know everything will be okay because you have reunions to look forward to!

    And you don't actually have to wait for your 5th Year Reunion to get started!

    On Friday, May 30th, there will be Class of 2013 "One Year Reunions." Your City Captains will be sending out details soon! Until then, you can continue to reminisce about the simpler times and post all of your senior week and graduation photos #Throwback13