

My name is HArry and i say what i mean if you don't like that, go somewhere else this sometimes gets me into trouble with friends and superiors i can sometimes zone out and completly ignore someone this doesn't always mean that i don't value your opinion, i just might not want to hear it. i sometimes have a way with cruel jokes so if you ever are hurting physically or emotionaly and i laugh, remember this it doesn't mean that i don't like you, it just means that i may find it a little entertaining at the time i enjoy to write stories yeah that's basically it We Harry's are near guru standard, people ask and we provide the answer. However our own problems are hidden, you may pester but we remain zen. It's like dropping a pebble in a lake, but no ripples emerge. A voice of wisdom people turn to when no one else knows what to say. If you don't tell him the problem. sometimes we already know...

Feb 2011
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