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    The “Baby-Sitters Club” Guide To Friendship

    Taking the Baby-sitters Club TV show out of context and using it to teach you about important things. Friendship!

    Start by gathering a core group of friends.

    Do fun things together as friends.

    Be closer than friends.

    Create a bond that knows no bounds.

    If you're a real friend, you won't try to protect their feelings.

    Be open with one another.

    Take your own friendship advice.

    Be there for one another.

    Acknowledge that you're awesome as friends.

    Have other people acknowledge it as well.

    Celebrate your friendship.

    In conclusion: Be friends forever.

    For more Baby-sitters Club, check out the show on Netflix or Amazon Instant or Hulu Plus. Or become a member of their Facebook or Tumblr page. Seriously, you can't away from these girls.