20 Reasons Why Everyone Should Work At Summer Camp At Least Once!

    Being a camp counselor is often described as the hardest job you'll ever love...but aside from the possibility of meeting your long lost twin, there are plenty of reasons why every college student should give it a bash at some point before they have to grow up! Check out the top twenty reasons why you should embrace your inner Peter Pan and head on over to www.wildpacks.com to begin your adventure today!

    1. The fashion is just out of this world!

    2. Nobody cares what you smell like!

    3. You'll meet awesome people from all around the world

    4. Some might even be from places you've never heard of!

    5. Let's not forget those wonderful Americans

    6. On that note...they also gave us 4th July!

    7. You might get to meet this mystical unicorn

    8. Or drive this real life pirate ship

    9. And you'll definitely get to take part in the camp Olympics

    10. You can fly like Superman!

    11. Climb like Spiderman

    12. Or be any other superhero that takes your fancy!

    13. This really is your job description

    14. And these guys will never stop appreciating you!

    15. You'll wake up to views like this!

    16. And go to bed to views like this!

    17. And eat some pretty sweet meals in between!

    18. These simple ingredients will become sacred

    19. We guarantee you'll have a cracking time

    20. And if you want to dress like this...