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    13 Things I Almost Did While Waiting To Find Out If I Landed A Job At BuzzFeed

    Instead, I just made this list.

    1. Subtly remind everyone I interviewed with of my existence

    2. Post cool stuff on social media in case anyone from BuzzFeed happened to be looking

    3. Just, you know, casually stop by the office

    4. Let BuzzFeed know that I'm over it and really not that desperate

    5. ...But I really am that desperate.

    6. Shamelessly beg BuzzFeed

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    Pride is overrated.

    7. Obsess over the stupid answer I gave to one of the interview questions

    8. Find ways to distract myself from constantly thinking about the interview

    9. Try to look for validation elsewhere

    10. Nervously (triple) check that I sent "Thank You" emails to the correct email addresses

    11. Apply to PlayBuzz

    12. Send crystal awards to everyone I interviewed with

    13. Go for the emotional appeal