16 Badass Cat Forts

    The purest form of artistry.

    After this magnificent cat fort creation, we asked the BuzzFeed Community to show us the forts they've made for their cat.

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    Immediately, someone dropped this truth bomb.

    This is a completely understandable fear. Which makes these 16 fortresses noteworthy not only for the ingenuity but also their bravery. Here they are:

    1. This simple but luxurious abode.

    2. This spooky chateau.

    3. This very, very moody mansion.

    4. This Fortress.

    5. This Rook.

    6. This fortress of comfort.

    7. This luxury tunnel:

    8. This battleship.

    9. This delicate but strong castle.

    10. This starship.

    11. This tunneled abode.

    12. This not-so-DIY piece of heaven.

    13. These two homes to make sure this couple has enough personal space.

    14. This quaint house.

    15. This simple design.

    16. And this luxury condo.

    So yes, it can be a lot of pressure. Your cat will judge you. But without risk, there cannot be greatness.

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