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15 Things That Everyone Will Be Happy To Leave In 2012

With a New Year, comes new trends. Here are a couple of things we wouldn't mind leaving behind in 2012. And for a fresh start to a New Year, tune into Season 2 of GIRLS Sundays at 9 PM.

1. All of the awkward things you said to your ex, when you should have bit your tongue

2. Anything having to do with Skrillex

50 Shades of Awful

3. Dancing awkwardly to Gangnam Style

Lauren Conrad's Idea Of Being Crafty

4. Romney’s binders full of women

5. Chris Brown's tasteful neck tattoo

6. Awful memes

7. People Magazine's choice for "Sexiest Man Alive"

8. Fashion trends like this...

9. All of those late night drunk food binges

10. This year's hottest Halloween costume

11. Hologram Tupac

12. Mary-Kate Olsen's newest photogenic newlationship

13. And all of those terrible exes