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    27 Signs You're A Gwynedd Girl

    Quite the high school experience.

    1. The most serious security altercation occurred when someone stole a muffin from the cafeteria, and the school went on lock down.

    2. Wednesdays will always be first and foremost, pasta day.

    3. You got out of class to go to an assembly, which really meant a party in the auditorium with the Phillie Phanatic

    4. There was a fire and instead of being evacuated, the entire student body was herded into the auditorium.

    5. Joseph, the shepherds, and the three wisemen in the Christmas pageant were all girls.

    6. You had a class that taught that infatuation DOES NOT EQUAL true love.

    7. Everyone in school has at some point imitated the music teacher.

    8. Senior year science was basically the art of coloring.

    9. You had the locker number 69 and didn't understand why it was funny.

    10. The promise of food was really the only reason to join clubs.

    11. The colors purple and yellow make you want to vom.

    12. Mercy Day was the most fun day of the year.

    13. Your 4 year old perfectly broken in penny loafers are still the most comfortable shoes you own.

    14. The word bromance will always make you think of two certain teachers who always matched.

    15. Christmas door decorating contests were no joking matter.

    16. The day of the Royal Wedding was the second most exciting day of the year, second only to Mercy Day.

    17. You are strangely fond of your uniform, which got messier the older you got.

    18. You quickly learned the positives of boxy, unflattering, navy blue blazers.


    20. As a freshman you were nervous about getting lost on the way to class.

    21. This is not what you think of when you hear "Big Red."

    22. You spent hours practicing a synchronized curtsy for graduation which you had to do in a wedding dress.

    23. Your teachers hugged you and got uncomfortably close to your date in the receiving line at prom to make sure you hadn't been drinking.

    24. You actually had two Chemistry teachers. A husband and wife who referred to equation shortcuts as "the quick and dirty" way.

    25. When one of your favorite people at school also happened to be the person who glared at you more than anyone...ever.

    26. This is one of your favorite places in the world.

    27. This crazy place is your second home.