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    10 Huge Food Guinness World Records Titles To Make Your Tummy Rumble

    Breaking records gets people excited (and hungry) no matter where you are in the world. But don't worry, these record-breakers all stuck to the rules and gave away the food afterwards, as per the GWR rule book. Free food for all!

    1. Sweeeet. The longest line of doughnuts

    2. The largest scoop of ice cream

    3. Furious Pete and Oli White vs the world's largest pizza

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    GWR OMG / Via

    The Giant Sicilian is the largest pizza commercially available with an area of 1.87 m² (20 ft² 36 in²), sold at Big Mama's and Papa's Pizzeria, Los Angeles. Oli White and Canada's veracious competitive eater Furious Pete went to check it out.

    4. The Easter bunny from chocolate heaven

    5. Eat your greens: A massive mosaic of veggies in India

    6. Ach, it's the largest haggis. Attack quickly, before it escapes!

    7. A meaty treat - the largest hot dog

    8. It's a long, long Rocky Road...

    9. Dive into the largest Tiramisu

    10. Finish off the meal with a cup of coffee