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    Things That Only Kids Who Grew Up With Christian Parents Could Understand.

    Growing up in a christian household was deeeefffffinately an experience. You maybe had to stand around a flagpole in front of your entire PUBLIC high school and pray a few times. And maaaybe once or twice you had to skip out on parties for youth group events where you played charades and drank soda. But overall, now it's something for you to look back on and laugh. And, it doesn't hurt either that when you meet somebody with a similar upbringing, you automatically have like a gazillion things to talk about with a total stranger. Especially if they're a hot stranger. Can I get a holla fo dose brownie points!

    A talking donut that is okay with you eating donuts around him, showed you how to accept Jesus into your heart.

    Taking church directory photos every year gets really f*cking old....

    At least Vacation Bible School was always pretty tight.

    You don't need to read the projector screen to know the end of this line....LORD I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIIIIIIIIIGH...(insert here)

    You watch a hot but schitzophrenic teenager let an annoying cartoon run his life by relating all of his experiences to a just barely similar one from the bible.

    You only went on mission trips cause it was the closest your parents would let you get to the opposite sex.

    You can't remember why but at one point you agreed to get baptized.

    In reality it probably felt more like this...

    Your family had tons of "Precious Moments" figurines...

    Prayer at restaurants was a mandatory social statement that you had no choice but to join your family in making.

    While your friends were listening to the new Backstreet cut....

    You were forced to listen to no name bands like this....

    Halloween was less of this...

    And more of this...

    You wanted your first kiss so badly!

    But the church boys your parents would approve of looked more like this.

    Your parents did not approve of your non christian friends.

    Because if she isn't reading the bible then this is obviously what she must be doing in her spare time.

    You know what this is.....and you know it well.

    Yoga was from the devil.

    But don't worry, mom found you something to get your butt in motion!

    You know exactly what being "born again" means....but you probably still picture something like this.

    Then, eventually you grew up and moved out of your parents house and began to develop your own religious views.