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    Six Interesting Things About "The Burning" (1981):

    Watch Miramax's first feature production "The Burning"... You won't regret it. Unless you're a terrible person, or old or too young, or a lady, or you don't speak english, or if you "never really got what all the hoopla was about". Are you any of those things? Watch and see!

    • 1. Six interesting things about "The Burning" (1981):

      Six interesting things about "The Burning" (1981):

      1. Jason Alexander's first film, he's 22 in it, still wears a rug, and looks 45 despite playing 18(?) 2. Fisher Steven's first film and he plays an air-gun toting lesbian(?) 3. Tom Savini did the makeup effects! Remember what makeup effect are? I don't! 4. Holly Hunter's fucking first film too. She's totally in it like before 'Blood simple". She's way underrated. 5. "Yes" keyboardist Rick fucking Wakeman scored it! 6. It was Harvey Weinstein's first feature production, Miramax's first production, and he wrote "the story" Bonus: it came out a year after "Friday the 13th" and I would argue is actually better in some ways.