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    Top 15 Responses To GetUp's Jack And Jill Comics

    GetUp members may be the funniest people on the internet.

    GetUp members didn't hesitate, leaving thousands of comments on both posts. Here are the top 14 responses so far.

    1. This member telling it like it is.

    2. This Birds and the Bees lesson.

    3. This imaginative member using her democratic power.

    4. This paternity scandal.

    5. Gavin, pointing out an obvious solution.

    6. This smooth pop-culture reference.

    7. This Jack who has positive hopes for the future.

    8. This nervous Jill.

    9. This Jack who just has exciting news to share.

    10. This academic discussion between peers.

    11. This romantic member feeling the love.

    12. This likely scenario.

    13. Julie nailing it again.

    14. This effort from a particularly imaginative member.

    15. This shameless plug.