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    12 Reasons Why Greek Easter Is The Best Easter

    The red eggs. The lamb. The fireworks. It’s good to be Greek on Easter.

    1. We dye eggs red. Just red.

    2. A silent procession on Good Friday around the block.

    3. Tsoureki is quite possibly the tastiest sweet bread you’ll ever have.

    4. Good Friday church services are *stunningly* beautiful.

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    We dare you to listen to lamentations sung during late night liturgy on Friday and not cry. Η ζωή εν τάφω (I Zoi en Tafo) is one of the most moving hymns about Jesus and the Tomb.

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    5. You might see Tom Hanks at church.

    6. The candles. Oh, the candles

    7. Holy Fire is probably the coolest thing to see in church, ever.

    8. Χριστός ανέστη! Start the fireworks!

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    What better way to celebrate the Resurrection than a boatload of fireworks? In the town of Vrodandos, it's tradition to celebrate with a "fireworks war" between two churches. Fireworks also fill the streets in other towns around Greece as well, making for a glorious and fun way to herald Easter Sunday.

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    9. Christ has Risen! Time to eat!

    10. Αληθώς ανέστη!, start the feast!

    11. All the candy is on SALE!

    12. Greek Easter is simply beautiful and awe-inspiring.