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    11 People Who Didn't Give Up Before Finally Succeeding

    Next time you feel like calling it quits, just remember these people who had to try, try, try again.

    1. Lucille Ball's high school drama teacher cut her from the drama club.

    2. President Bill Clinton lost (twice) when he ran for student body president at Georgetown University.

    3. Decca Records refused to sign The Beatles and told them "guitar bands were on the way out." Obviously, millions of Beatles fans thought otherwise.

    4. MGM told Walt Disney, whose first animation company failed, that "a mouse would never work." Now Mickey Mouse has successful amusement parks worldwide.

    5. Miley Cyrus was rejected multiple times for the role of Hannah Montana.

    6. J.K Rowling spent a year in search of a publisher for the Harry Potter series because most publishers turned down her idea of a boy wizard.

    7. Vincent Van Gogh sold one painting in his entire life. After he died, people finally recognized his talent.

    8. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, but that didn't stop him from becoming an NBA star.

    9. That lightbulb you turned on this morning? It was the one success after the 10,000 failed prototypes created by Thomas Edison.

    10. The Wright brothers built four different aircrafts before one finally successfully took flight.

    11. Theodore Roosevelt began the fight for health care reform in 1912, which didn't become law until 2010.

    12. Obviously good things take time, so give the Affordable Care Act (and a chance. 22-year-old Daniel McNaughton did and ended up enrolling in a health care plan that costs him just $70 per month.