22 Pictures That Are Literally You When You're Late

    "Will likely be a little late because of who I am as a person."

    1. When not even a thousand alarms can help you:

    2. And all your preparation means fuck all:

    3. When you're way too optimistic about how much time you have:

    4. When you're tired of being questioned about your timekeeping:

    5. When you hit them with the "omw" text:

    6. When you underestimate how much time you have to get ready:

    7. Or worse, your friend comes way earlier than they said they would:

    8. When you wake up late and think, Fuck it:

    9. When you're forced to play catch up:

    10. When a "quick nap" makes you miss everything entirely:

    11. When your friends can see through your bullshit excuses:

    12. And they lie to you because they know your timekeeping is trash:

    13. When your eyeliner makes you even later than you already are:

    14. When you've got way more important priorities:

    15. When you've got five minutes to make up for your terrible decisions:

    16. When you're late simply because you chose to sit on your bed naked instead of getting ready:

    17. When all the elements are against you:

    18. When you're finally on time for once:

    19. But you end up getting a taste of your own medicine:

    20. When your reluctance to even attend means you were never destined to be on time in the first place:

    21. When you downplay how late you actually are:

    22. And when you'd rather be open and honest than live a lie: