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19 Things That Happen In Every Spin Class

"Turn that resistance up!!!" *cries a river of sweat*

1. You turn up to the class ready for some serious fat burning.

2. And the fact you even made it there at all is enough reason to celebrate.

Somehow made it to spin class. I won the battle against lazy! Can I have a cookie now?

3. You walk in to a room full of people already cycling and immediately feel nervous.

4. If it’s a substitute instead of your regular spin teacher, you’re always incredibly cautious.

5. You’re never 100% sure if your bike is set up properly but you go with it anyway.

6. There’s always that moment when you get on your bike and you’re super aware of how uncomfortable it is on your nether region.

7. And by the end of the warm up you're already sweating buckets.

8. Then you hear the words “time for a sprint!”:

9. Followed by "we're going up a hill":

10. There’s always a moment where you ignore instructions to turn your resistance up and think “fuck that”.

11. No one ever seems to be dying from exhaustion as much as you are.

12. And everyone seems to be working a lot harder than you are.

13. There’s always one scary, hardcore person who you both resent and aspire to be.

14. Then you hear your favourite song and you’re like:

15. And when everyone’s on beat it’s an amazing feeling.

16. Just when you think you’ve been cycling for at least 5 hours, the instructor screams “ok, two more tracks left!”


17. But when the class is over you feel extra proud of yourself.


18. And realise it really wasn’t that bad after all!

19. Until you get off your bike.